Sunday 26 February 2017

13 couse French classical menu

  1. 1. French Classical Menu:A menu represents the range of food and beverage items offered in a restaurant. When the menu isrepresented on a card, it is referred to as menu card. Great pains are taken compiling the menu cardwhich should not be attractive but informative. In restaurant basically two types of menu areavailable, a-la-carte and table-de-hote.The French classical menu consists of 12 courses but in some organization follows 17 courses. They areas follows.Twelve courses of French Classical Menu Seventeen courses of French Classical MenuHors-d’-oeuvres (Appetizer) Hors-d’-oeuvre (Appetizer)Potage (Soup) Potage (Soup)Poisson (Fish) Oeufs (egg)Entrée (First Course Of Meat Item) Farineaux (Rice & Pasta)Releve’ (Big Meat Item) Poisson (Fish)Sorbet (Rest Course) Entrée (First Course Of Meat Item)Roti (Roasted meat items) Releve’ (Big Meat Item)Legumes (vegetable) Sorbet (Rest Course)Entremets (Sweet Course) Roti (Roasted meat items)Savoureaux (savory item) Legumes (vegetable)Dessert (Fruit item) Salades (salad)Café (coffee) Buffet froid (cold buffet) Entremets (Sweet Course) Savoureaux (savory item) Fromage (Cheese) Dessert (Fruit item) Café (coffee)Hors-d’-oeuvres (Appetizer)Traditionally the Hors-d’-oeuvres are the selection of salad, fish, and meat. The Hors-d’-oeuvres aregenerally served in cold fish plate along with fish knife and fish fork. Hors-d’-oeuvres are classifiedinto two categories. 1) General Hors-d’-oeuvres General Hors-d’-oeuvres: Different varieties of salad and canapés comes under General Hors- d’-oeuvres. Salad: salad can be plain or compound. Example of plain salad includes fish or meat salad, potato salad, beet root salad, red cabbage salad, cauliflower salad. Compound salad includes for example Russian salad, Andalouse salad etc. Salads are taken in half plate along with fish fork or small fork. Canapés: These are slices of bread with crust removed, cut into small variety of shapes toasted or fried in oil or butter and then garnished. Garnishes include smoked salmon, prawns, cheese, tomato, egg, salami and others various meats.
  2. 2. Classical Hors-d’-oeuvres: This following item comes under this category. Caviar: Roe of sturgeon fish. Approximately 30gm of caviar is served per portion. The caviar jar /tinare surrounded with crushed ice in a container. Accompaniment includes hot breakfast toast, butter,segments of lemon, chopped shallots, chopped egg yolk & white. Cover will be cold half plate alongwith caviar knife or side knife, which will be placed on the right hand side of the cover. Melon: There are various types of melon. Cantaloupe:It has rough rigid skin with green lines. It is soft and color is yellow.Honeydew:It has a firm, shiny, wrinkled skin with sweet pulp.Watermelon:
  3. 3. It has red sweet pulp and black seeds. Melons are cut into small portions and served ice cold, on acold half plate along with dessert spoon and fork. Melons are served with Castor sugar and groundginger.Fruit juice:usually served in juice glass or in hi-ball glass. Here we can serve the different varieties of juice such asTomato, orange, mango, Pineapple etc. when we are serving juice to the guest, on that time weshould provide castor sugar as accompaniments of juice. One tea spoon is places on table, to aidmixing. Tomato juice are served with Worcestershire sauce.Oyster:Cold oysters are usually served in cold half plate on the bed of crushed ice. An oyster fork is usuallyoffered but in the absence of oyster fork, a small dessert fork can also be placed on table. Oysters areusually eaten by holding the cell in one hand and fork in the other hand. The finger bowl and extra serviette should be offered because oysters are taken by hand. Accompaniments of oyster include half a lemon, oyster cruet (cayenne pepper, pepper mill, chilly vinegar and tobacco sauce), Brown bread and butter. Potted shrimps:Served in fish plate along with fish knife & fish fork. Accompaniments include hotunbuttered breakfast toast and lemon. Pealed shrimps are cooked in butter and garnished withlettuce leave.
  4. 4. Smoked Salmon:Served in fish plate along with fish knife & fish fork. Accompaniments include half lemon wedge,brown bread, butter, chopped onion etc.Snail (escargots):Snail tongs are placed on the left and snail fork on the right. They are served with bread, butter,lemon etc.Sea food cocktail:They are served in champagne saucer glass and saucer can be used as under liner. During the time ofservice we should provide tea spoon and fish fork. Accompaniments include brown bread, butter,lemon wedge etc.Potage (soup): This is the second course of French Classical menu. Soup is liquid, nutritious food made of meat, sea food, vegetable, cereals, poultry etc. Soups are classified under two categories.
  5. 5.SOUP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Thin Soup Thick SoupConsommé PureeBroth Cream Chowder Bisque VelouteThin SoupConsommé It is a richly flavored clear soup. The base is stock of beef; mutton or chicken to which raw,lean mince meat is added along with finely diced or chopped carrots, onions, celery seasoning and eggwhites. It is brought to boil and simmered. The protein in the egg white and meat, coagulate and bindmost of the cloudy material. The soup is strained through a muslin cloth.Consommé is served in double handled consume cup along with under liner & dessert spoon.Examples of ConsomméConsommé cereals, Consommé Julienne, Consommé egg drop, Consommé royal.Broth: Broth is a cloudy soup which contains a mixture of vegetables, meat, chicken, etc.Thick Soup 1) Purée Soup: These are pulp of vegetable, like carrot, peas, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes etc. Examples are Tomato soup, pea soup etc. 2) Veloute: This is prepared by a blend of blond roux and white stock with a few base vegetables for flavoring. 3) Cream Soup: These are blend of Béchamel sauce with the purees of vegetable, meat etc. Milk may be added to dilute and give an even consistency. Example: cream of tomato soup, cream of mushroom soup, Cream of asparagus soup. These soups are taken with bread roll /bread stick & butter. 4) Chowder: These are heavy thick soup of America. Their bases are Tomato or milk with sea food , onion, potatoes, bacon , various seasoning for flavor etc.
  6. 6. 5) Bisque: It is a thick, creamy, highly-seasoned soup of French origin. It can be Made from lobster, crab, shrimp or crayfish.Tips for the service of soup1. Garnishing must be small, light and easily eatable.2. Light soups should precede heavy dishes.3. Heavy soups must come in small portions.4. Hot soups must be served very hot, and cold soups chilled.5. Clear soups must enable you to see the bottom of the soup bowl.6. Soup accompaniments are toasts, breadsticks, cheese croutons, etc. These must be hot and crisp.7. Soup is served in soup bowl along with an under liner and soup spoon.Oeufs (egg): This is the third course of French classical menu. Different varieties of omelette, boiled egg,poached egg, fried eggs are served in this course. Omelets, poached eggs are served in half plate alongwith small knife and fork and boiled eggs are served in egg cups.Omelette espagnole- flat Omelette with onions, peppers and tomato.Omelette fines herbes- Savory OmeletteOeufs en cocotte a la crème- egg cooked in its own dish in a Bain Marie& garnished with cream.Oeuf poche Florentine- poached egg on a bed of spinach, coated with aCheese sauce.Farineaux (PASTA AND RICE DISHES): This is the fourth course French classical menu. Pasta meansdough & is originated from Italy. Different types of pastas are available in the market. Such as Spaghetti,Fettuccini, macaroni. Penne, Rigatoni etc. SpaghettiSpaghetti Napolitano- spaghetti in a tomato and garlic flavored sauce.Spaghetti bolognaise- spaghetti blended with minced lean beef in a rich brown sauce.Poisson (Fish): This is the fifth course of French classical menu. In this course the fish items are served.The fish may be fried, poached or grilled. Fish is served in either fish plate or half plate along with fishknife and fish fork. The method of cooking and type of fish used may vary. Few methods are as follow:Poached: Salmon, Turbot, and Trout etc.Cooked meuniere: (Sautéed Fish with Butter, Lemon & Parsley) sole, trout, salmonFried: whitebait, soleSome examples are:Sole meuniere- sole shallow fried in butter
  7. 7. Sole Colbert- sole flour, egg and bread crumbed (pane) and deep-fried; the fillets are rolled back of thebackbone in preparations.Grilled fish with lemon butter sauce.Poisson poached Hollandaise.Fried fishFillet de Poisson Duglere. (Duglere is a type of sauce made of butter, minced onion, flour, tomato,lemon juice, two table spoon white wine, milk, salt, pepper etc)ENTRÉE :( First meat course) This is the sixth course of French classical menu. Entree is generally smallwell garnished dishes which come from kitchen. They are usually accompanied with rich sauce andgravy. In this course foods are served in half plate along with small knife and fork.Examples of entrée are:Poulet sauté chasseur- sauté chicken in a rich brown sauce flavored with tomato and mushroom.Supreme de volaille (poultry) a la king- breast and wing of chicken cooked under a cover in oven.Emincee de volaille a la king- Minced chicken with Savory rice.Steak Diane- minute steak shallow fried and flavored with onion and mushroom; sauce finished with redwine or cream.Fillet/rump steak grille- fillet/rump steak grilled and garnished with tomato, mushroom, watercress and straw potato. Chautebriand- double fillet steak grilled Vol-au-vent: it is a small hollow case of puff pastry. Vol-au-vents can accommodate various fillings, such as mushrooms, prawns, fruit, or cheese.RELEVE: (main meat course) this is the seventh course of French classical menu. Releve are normallylarger than entrees and take the form of butchers’ joints, which have to be carved. These joints areeither poeled or roasted. A sauce or roast gravy and potatoes and green vegetables are always servedwith this course.The main dish may consist of any of the following items: saddle of mutton,Baron of beef, boned sirloin, braised ham. This course is served in full plate along with large knife andfork.Examples are: C ontrefilet de boeuf roti a l’anglaise: boned and roasted sirloin of beef. C uissot de porc roti, puree de pommes: roast leg of pork with apple sauce. C arre d’agneau roti: roast best end of lamb.Sorbet: (rest course) this is the eighth course of French classical menu. This is actually the rest course.After serving fish and meat, this course is been served.Normally in this course a glass of iced chilled water flavored with few drops of champagne or brandy canbe served. This course is normally served in water goblet along with an under liner. Cigar or cigarettecan also be served in this course. Normally this course contains 10-15 minutes.ROTI (Roasted meat item) this course signifies poultry, and game birds such as chicken, duck, turkey etc.This is the nineth course of French classical menu. These roasted items are accompanied with differenttypes of sauces (apple sauce, cranberry sauce), herbs (sage), onion stuffing, nicely chopped salad, roastgravy, brown bread and butter etc. This course is always served in full plate along with large knife andfork.
  8. 8. Legumes (vegetable) in this course the dressed or cooked vegetables such as Asparagus, Broccoli,Cauliflower, green peas, mushroom, spinach are served with Hollandaise or Mayonnaise sauce. . Forvegetable we have to provide small knife and fork. For asparagus no cutlery is used because asparagus istaken by hand and that is why finger bowl needs to be provided to clean hands.Examples are:Puree de pommes- creamed potatoesPommes persille- boiled potatoes, coated with melted butter and sprinkled with chopped parsley. Pommes au four- baked jacket potato Petits pois au beurre- peas tossed in butter. Epinards en branches- leaf spinach Champignons grille- grilled mushrooms Choufleur morney- cauliflower with cheese sauce Celeries braises- braised celery Asperges en branche, sauce hollandaise- asparagus accompanied by an egg- and butter based sauce. Haricots verts au beurre- French beans tossed in butter.Salades(salad) a dish of raw or cold cooked foods, usually dressed and seasoned, served as an Hors-d’-oeuvres or side dish.Example of salads is:Salade francaise: lettuce, tomato, egg and vinaigrette dressing.Salade vert: lettuce, watercress, cucumber and green pepper.Buffet froid (cold buffet) the examples of cold buffet is as followsJuice, shrimp cocktail, cold slawCold consomméEgg mayonnaiseChicken saladSmoked venisonIced chilled water with few drops of champagneGateaux, caramel CustardEntremets (Sweet Course) in these course different types of cold and sweet items such as pudding,mousse, soufflé, ice creams are served. They are normally served in half plate along with dessert spoonand fork. In case of ice cream, it is served in ice cream cup along with under liner and ice cream spoon.Parfait ice cream is served in parfait glass, with under liner and parfait spoon.
  9. 9. THE EXAMPLES ARE: C repe Suzette: pancakes in a rich fresh orange juice and grand Marnier (It is made from a blend of truecognacs and distilled essence of bitter orange.) - flavored sauce and flamed with brandy. A nanas flambé au kirsch: pineapple flamed with a cherry-flavored liqueur. V ariety of cold sweets presented from the cold platter, trolley, such as Gateaux, or ice-cream sweets.Savoureaux (savory item) before dessert a savory is provided to change the sweetness of tongue.Savoureaux may be of three types. a) Fish savory: Example Tuna on toast, served in half plate along with fish knife and fish fork. b) Meat savory: Example chicken liver on toast, served in half plate along with small knife and fork. c) Cheese savory: Cheese is generally served in half plate along with cheese knife. A cheese platter which contains a different varieties of cheese, are presented in front of the guest and the guest picks up the cheese as per his choice. Cheese is served with cream cracker biscuit and celery sticks.Fromage (Cheese) all types of cheese may be offered together with the appropriate accompaniments.The ideal cheese board should combine hard, semi-hard, soft or cream, blue and fresh cheese.Examples:Name of cheese Type Place of originCheddar hard EnglandRed Cheshire hard HollandBrie soft FranceGorgonzola blue ItalyDemi-sel soft FranceGouda hard HollandRicotta fresh ItalyDessert (Fruits) in this course fresh fruits is served in fruit basket along with fruit fork. Cut fruits can beserved in half plate; otherwise the fruits are normally served in fruit basket. During the time of servingfruit basket, one serviette and two finger bowls, one containing lukewarm water and containing coldwater should be provided to the guest. The bowl containing lukewarm water is provided to wash handand cold water is provided to wash the fruits.Café (coffee) this is the last course of French classical menu. After dinner a strong black coffee is servedin demitasse cup.

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